
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Freesat v8 Golden Review Bugs Advantages and Disadvantages of the receiver (Er Balvinder)

Freesat v8 Golden

Freesat v8 Golden (Front)
Freesat v8 Golden

Freesat v8 Golden Review Bugs Advantages and Disadvantages of the receiver

I am testing this receiver from many days. So after than i want to review it.
& want to tell some bugs so be manufactures can fix it....
I am test latest firmware 556 (24.05.2017)
I am a big satellite lover & used too many receivers yet.
For example openbox s 10 hd, openbox x5 hd etc.

Any receiver 1st Impression is his UI (User Interface) 
The UI of this STB is so much tuff.
UI Not stylish as modern receiver have...
All other function & hardware of the receiver working fine as their describe.
Big problem is that Keys AutoRoll Not working (Even working on cheap indian solid stb)
On some tp is automatic detect keys on 1st time.
Entering of biss keys & CCCam was too good. No same sid bug on biss on this..
But problem is it every time need to enter secret code to eneter in CS protocol setting.
User bore to enter that.
Imports & exports keys also working fine from usb.
Playback & recording of DVR working well.. Have little bug m tell u.
this stb a big bug on pvr pictures playback..
Can not to play pictures show clearly.
it some big unwanted boxes on pictures..

On Tp list function it is always go to a default tp not on present satellite. so need to be fixed..
DVB s2 working well m not getting Any DVB T2 channel on Yamal 90 East..
I dont know how to setup that.

In small words overall receiver is good working.
& have standing worlds best of current time with all modern facilities...
If they fixed some bugs in firmware freesat become top of all.


1. Working good all HD, SD, dvb S2 and S1 all mpeg 4 channels.
2. PVR working good.
3. CC cam working good very good.
4. Video recording on PVR workable playback on PC.
5. This receiver records encrypted channel also without encryption on ts files.
6. All functions work good WiFi and USB ports work is good
7. All hardware work fine.
8. Small size & Light weight
9. Keys working very nice.
10. Usb import & Export working fine.
11. All c & ku band satellite working fine.
12. Good blind scan.
13. Working good all dishqc switches 

Disadvantage of the receiver

Bugs Need To Be Fixed In latest version 

1. To much tuff UI
2. UI Not stylish
3. No large signal bar on double click on channel (Every receiver have that function most usable for a satellite tracker)
4. Big problem is that Keys AutoRoll Not working some time (Even working on cheap Indian solid stb) stable on latest firmware..
5. No File Manager
6. Media player -> music player ->
No forward & backward option available for music player
7. Audio output is not proper as some distortion in audio. (Fixed In latest firmware..)
8. No user color setting available like contrast brightness setting.
9. Record only .ts format, no .MP4 or .mp3 recording available. (Only audio)
10. No snapshot take facility or short key as some keys empty.* (*Some keys working only on pvr)
11. Hanged on play tp recorded ts
12. Fail to upgrade backup tp list etc (some time#) (#latest firmware working good)
13. Subtitles working over osd bar.
14. Epg have showing wrong words. (some time#)
15. Need secret code every time to enter in CS protocol setting.
16. Big bug on pvr pictures playback. Show boxes.

Hopefully get quick reply from manufactures..

Best Wishes & Regards

Er Balvinder Singh
Punjab (India)

pvr pictures playback bug
screen shots



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