Media Preview
Fed up with Windows Explorer not always showing thumbnails for all of your media files? Then get Media Preview for free.[*]
First focused on video files, now Media Preview also supports audio files and the most common image file formats.
Media Preview, engineered for performance and scalability, is an extension for Windows' File Explorer to generate and display media file thumbnails.
Since 2007, with the massive migration from 32- to 64-bit Windows, media thumbnailing in Windows' File Explorer has been in a bad state. Windows natively handles very few media file formats while third-party applications didn't work on 64-bit versions of Windows and never have been updated to fix this. Late 2011, the first version of Icaros surfaced to mitigate this issue at the cost of computers' stability because of its bad software design, letting enthusiasts with big promises but mixed results.
Early 2012, Media Preview was introduced to definitively address the situation, offering what's expected from any Windows application: a streamlined and stable application, requiring just a few clicks to be installed and to work on any system configurations. It has been so successful that subsequent versions of Icaros have since completely replicated the software architecture of Media Preview and also included most of the innovative functionalities offered by Media Preview.